
Mathematical calculator
Mathematical calculator is used for evaluation math expressions with arithmetic operations (+-/*^) and functions: sqrt - square root, exp - exponential function, lb - binary logarithm, lg - decimal logarithm, ln - natural logarithm, sin - sine, cos - cosine, tan - tangent, cot - cotangent, sec - secant, csc - cosecant, arcsin - arcsine, arccos - arccosine, arctan - arctangent, arccot - arccotangent, arcsec - arcsecant, arccosec - arccosecant and others
Binary numbers calculator
This calculator supports common mathematical operations over binary numbers: addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
Numeral System Calculator
This online calculator is designed to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and power on numbers written in any numeral system. This means that users can input numbers in binary, octal, hexadecimal, or any other base between 2 and 36, and perform mathematical operations with ease.
Evaluating expressions
This online calculator substitutes a specific value for each variable, and performs the operations, evaluating the given expression.