Mathematical calculator

Mathematical calculator is used for evaluation math expressions with arithmetic operations (+-/*^) and functions: sqrt - square root, exp - exponential function, lb - binary logarithm, lg - decimal logarithm, ln - natural logarithm, sin - sine, cos - cosine, tan - tangent, cot - cotangent, sec - secant, csc - cosecant, arcsin - arcsine, arccos - arccosine, arctan - arctangent, arccot - arccotangent, arcsec - arcsecant, arccosec - arccosecant and others

Enter math expression here, push calculate button and get a result.

PLANETCALC, Mathematical calculator

Mathematical calculator

You may use arithmetic operations: (+-*/), real or integer numbers, pi constant and number of functions: sin, cos, tan , cotan , sec cosec, sech , tanh , cotanh , csch, arcsin , arccosec , arccos , arctg , arcctg , arcsec, exp , lb , lg , ln , versin, vercos , haversin , exsec , excsc , sqrt, sh , ch.
Digits after the decimal point: 10
Initial expression

You may use constants:

Operation signs:

+ - addition
- - subtraction
* - multiplication
/ - division
^ - power


sqrt - square root
rootN - N th root, e.g. root3(x) - cube root
exp - exponential function
lb - binary logarithm ( base 2 )
lg - decimal logarithm ( base 10 )
ln - natural logarithm ( base e)
logB - logarithm to the base B , e.g. log7(x) - logarithm to the base 7
sin - sine
cos - cosine
tan - tangent
cot - cotangent
sec - secant
cosec - cosecant
arcsin - arcsine
arccos - arccosine
arctan - arctangent
arccotan - arccotangent
arcsec - arcsecant
arccosec - arccosecant
versin - versine
vercos - coversine
haversin - haversine
exsec - exsecant
excsc - excosecant
sh - hyperbolic sine
ch - hyperbolic cosine
tanh - hyperbolic tangent
coth - hyperbolic cotangent
sech - hyperbolic secant
csch - hyperbolic cosecant

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PLANETCALC, Mathematical calculator
