
Histogram group number
Sturges formula and other methods of determining the number of groups in histogram generation
Binomial distribution, probability density function, cumulative distribution function, mean and variance
This calculator calculates probability density function, cumulative distribution function, mean and variance of a binomial distribution for given n and p
Pearson correlation coefficient
The Pearson correlation coefficient calculator is a tool that allows users to input sets of paired random variables and calculate the correlation between them.
Histogram Builder
The Histogram Builder calculator allows users to input a set of numbers and generate a histogram, either by using the Sturgess, Scott or Freedman-Diaconis formula, or manually setting the number of groups.
The Symbol Frequency Table Calculator
The Symbol Frequency Table Calculator is a tool that takes in a text message and produces a table of the frequencies of each symbol (i.e., character) that appears in the message. The calculator can be customized to ignore spaces and/or case, allowing for a more accurate analysis of the message's symbol frequencies.
Wordpress plugin
With Planetcalc plugin for Wordpress you can easily insert any planetcalc calculator in your wordpress-based site or blog pages.
Normal distribution
Plots the CDF and PDF graphs for normal distribution with given mean and variance.
Student t-distribution
Calculates cumulative distribution function value and probability density function value for Student t-distribution. Quantile calculator evaluates Student quantiles for given probability and specified number of degrees of freedom.
Probability of given number success events in several Bernoulli trials
Gives the probability of k success outcomes in n Bernoulli trials with given success event probability.
Bernoulli trials table
This online calculator calculates probability of k success outcomes in n Bernoulli trials with given success event probability for each k from zero to n.
Tips and tricks #8: How to reuse existing calculator
This article describes process of reusing another calculator's logic (algorithm) in your calculator.
Log-normal distribution
It calculates the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of long-normal distribution by a given mean and variance.
Bayes’ theorem
This online calculator calculates posterior probabilities according to Bayes’ theorem.